Meet Sam Glenn, "Finding the Masterpiece in the Mess"

"When we think better, we authentically become better."
It was never my intent or goal to become a motivational speaker. In fact, I remember being so afraid of public speaking that I would take zeroes and F’s in college whenever a presentation was required. Eventually, I found the courage to step out of my comfort zone and fell in love with encouraging others to think better for themselves and their organization.
The core of my entire program is designed to recharge, rekindle and inspire new levels of optimism, purpose, engagement, resilience, and teamwork.
Now, that may sound super simple on paper, but the actual steps on how to empower others without creating toxic positivity in your organization is a process that I have developed over three decades.
My approach is engaging, fun, artistic, and provides actionable content that can be implemented immediately both personally and proffesionlly.
"If you want to improve your organization, it starts by improving your people."
Since 1998, I have had the privilege of speaking to just about every industry you can imagine.
The leaders and organizations who hire me the most are the ones that are passionate about rooting for the success of their people. The bottom line is they care about others and understand that if the organization is going to get better, it starts with helping others get better.
My program is a component that reinforces the value of your mission. I believe in the power of recognition, empowerment, and getting people excited about the work they do. Plus, it is so nice to create a moment where everyone can relax, recharge and just feel good.
Things Were Not Always Picture Perfect…
At one time I was homeless, depressed, defeated and negative. Sadly, my biggest weakness was my attitude. Instead of choosing an attitude that worked for me, I continued to make my life worse by choosing an attitude that defeated me – my health, my work and my relationships. I got by doing odd jobs, slept on borrowed floor space and many nights in my 82 Buick Regal who I called, “Betsy.”
I knew I needed to make some major changes, but didn’t know where or how to start that process. Eventually, I had a few life changing experiences that became defining moments for me.
It was a chance encounter at a buffet, where I accidentally knocked over the legendary Zig Ziglar. Yes…ZIG ZIGLAR! Mr. Ziglar became an encouraging friend who helped me improve the quality of my attitude. We didn’t hang out at buffets together, but we enjoyed some great talks over the phone and coffee that helped reshape my attitude for the better. Today, my talks all focus on one key aspect – the driver of everything – ATTITUDE! Attitude is the core that drives our choices and behaviors. In fact, my number one most requested keynote talk to date is Attitude Changes Everything. (It’s a really good speech and highly recommend it.)

A Little Inspiration Can Change Your Life and Work…
The number one comment I hear after “every speech” I deliver is, “I needed that!”
The truth is we all do. Inspiration is energy, fuel and feeds our resilience. The organizations who hire me the most believe in their people and want to see them performing at their best, so they make inspiration a priority. Inspiration is not just a bunch of FLUFF. Inspiration is POSITIVE POWER. It is fuel for enthusiasm, engagement and excellence. I have written over 30 books on personal and professional development and all of my research proves that inspiration brings what we do to life. The partnership of inspiration with education, skills and talent can truly bring about a positive impact in an organization, team, and workplace.
Sam Glenn Has Become One of The Most Inspirational Speakers Today
“I didn’t set out to be the best motivational speaker in the world. I simply wanted to make a difference. You don’t have to be perfect to make a positive contribution. You just have to be willing and start small. Eventually, the little things add up.” - Sam Glenn
Sam Glenn is most notably sought after for his captivating kick off and wrap up general session speeches. Sam’s award-winning speeches set a positive and energetic tone that gets audiences engaged and ready to learn, grow and have fun. Audiences gravitate to his humor, relate to his stories and embrace his relevant ideas for improving their personal and professional life. For nearly three decades, Sam Glenn’s inspirational and artistic speeches have impacted audiences of all sizes - some as large as 75,000 people at stadium events.
Speaker of the Year
Sam Glenn has been honored by being named Speaker of the Year on several occasions by meeting and event organizations and won two national awards for his training videos. He is the author of more than 30 personal and professional development books. Hundreds of organizations use Sam’s videos – weekly - to kick off their staff meetings and cultivate positivity in the workplace. Sam’s Motivated by Art © Training has become the new buzz in creating engagement in the workplace. Not only does his creative art bring energy to the walls in any workplace, but the art is used for training purpose to enrich the quality of personal and professional performance.

A Different Kind of Speaker
What makes Sam different than most is he works with you to create and customize an unforgettable message that sticks with your group long after the event is over. Sam weaves his very uplifting story into his topics, which revolve around attitude, empowerment, leadership, peak performance, employee engagement, transformation, customer service, and teamwork. Sam Glenn is an expert at igniting personal and professional positivity.
A Devoted Father and Husband
Sam’s most rewarding title in life is being called “Dad” by his three kids and husband by his superhero wife. They currently reside in Indianapolis. However, Sam is originally from Minnesota.

Your audience, inspired…impacted!
That's the Sam Glenn Difference.
Finding the right keynote speaker to kick off your event or wrap things up on a positive note is not an easy task. You can have confidence and peace of mind that working with Sam Glenn and his team will prove to be a positively unforgettable experience from start to finish.